A lost wax cast bronze statue of a little girl looking at a flower, with bronze and verdigris patina. Created with the traditional technique of the lost-wax (à la cire perdue) which allows for great precision and finesse in the details, this bronze statue features a little girl standing barefoot on a circular base. Wearing pigtails, she is leaning her head forward, to look more closely at a sunflower that she likely picked up from the ground. She is smiling and the scene is bathed with a great sense of innocence and joy.
The very realistic treatment of her eyes gives great life to the ensemble, an impression reinforced by the movement of her dress due to a light breeze. The verdigris base on which she stands evokes grass and small stones. Her dress is tied by a ribbon in her back. With its tri-toned finish and lovely subject, this lost wax cast bronze statue of a little girl will make for a charming addition to any garden or park!